14 July 2016

New locks

Before opening we had to get a new lock put on the front door. As we only had one large key it wouldn't be suitable to give to guests and it's not a key to get copies made easily. Fortunately we discovered the man who made our metal pergola could also put a new lock in the heavy iron front doors. 

Have also had smaller locks put on the bedrooms.

As our floors, and many of the walls, aren't straight we've had to improvise with levelling the bed legs in the twin room. There is quite a slope on the floor and the attachment to the wall legs seems to have worked.

Clos Magnolia is open!

Finished our chambre d'hôte renovations at the 11th hour - literally. Were putting the door handles back at 11pm the night before the first guests were arriving. Then, final cleaning and making of beds. We are pleased with the result of a lot of hard work. There's still a few minor things to be done, but all the major work is completed. Our first week was fully booked and has gone well. 

Next up is developing a website (and taking better photographs for it), getting listed with the local tourist office and putting it on accommodation websites. Still plenty to do ...

30 June 2016

Before and after

Hallway doors leading to the entrance. The 'before' photo is after a thorough clean too. Note that the hallway has no building/renovating equipment in it! We are gradually getting our house back.

27 June 2016

The last of the tiling

Spent the weekend putting in skirting tiles along the 10.5m hallway. And then grouting them. Hopefully this is the last time I shall ever have to do this again! 

25 June 2016

An aside from renovations ...

Our latest garden acquisition is a lovely pergola. For the past few years we've had a cheap 'tent' construction which has worked excellently but it really is past it's usage. So, we now have a more permanent construction which will provide a wonderful shady spot in summer, shelter when it's windy and a place for the wisteria and jasmine to continue growing. While we wait for the plants to provide shade (and perfume), we'll put on a cover which lets in air but also keeps the sun out. Shadow has already, wisely, decided this is her spot for a summer evening snooze.

More lights

We have lights!