29 October 2011

Kerb appeal

Another simple, but effective, thing we've done is remove the rendering on the street-side wall. It was broken in many places and looked pretty shabby while actually covering a lovely stone wall. It only took an afternoon to get it removed and waterproofed and it now looks so much better. We've had many complimentary comments from neighbours and other locals who clearly didn't like its previous state! As it is very visable on arrival into the village it has improved first impressions and made everyone happy. Next, painting those railings ...

27 October 2011

Research III

Last Saturday we went to Arles in Provence. It's a lovely town on the northern tip of the Camargue, lying alongside the River Grand Rhone. It's ascent to prosperity began in 49BC under Julius Caesar, when it became a major port and Roman provincial centre. As a result it has a stunning Roman amphitheatre, theatre and necropolis as well as several Roman churches and other buildings. We went to discover the starting point of La Via Tolosana, one of the pilgrim routes of the St Jacques de Compostelle, which ends 1654 kms away in Santiago, Spain. As we are looking to put self-guided linear walking and cycling trips on Mountains and Maps 2012 programme we wanted to investigate the start of the route. We're not expecting people to do the whole distance! Just the most interesting part from Arles into, and across, Languedoc-Roussillon and onto Toulouse. 

We followed the route through the town, then naturally needed to stop for lunch or we'd miss out (it was getting close to 2pm). The lively cafe we stopped at was down to its last plat de jour (an unusual poulet et gambas dish), so we had that along with the classic Salade au Chevre Chaud, a failsafe and delicious option. 

Arles has a fantastic Saturday market, with wonderful Provencal food, wine and general kitchen wares. It is also known for being the subject of renowned resident, Vincent Van Gogh, who spent some time living in Arles capturing many of the street and cafe scenes. Being close to the Camargue it's also famous for its bullfights and cowboys. Not that we saw either in evidence in October. That's a trip for another day.

26 October 2011


This week we've had a lot of workers at the house; painters, electricians, plumbers and builders. There's been a fair amount of noise, with drills going through thick concrete walls etc. Wellington decided the best place to be was inside the shopping bag.

Just add water

Things are moving apace on the pool. Painting of the interior is almost done and we think it looks fabulous. The pool equipment is all in place and looks scarily complicated but we have been assured it is easy to operate. Will wait and see. 

17 October 2011

Piscine progress

Steps to enter the pool are being made, tiles around the edge are being placed and the terrace concrete base is almost done.

We've also got a new 'shed' for the pool equipment, as can be seen at the end of the pool in the photo here. (It's the bit with concrete blocks and sloping roof.)

11 October 2011

Les Chatons

In an earlier blog, I introduced our inherited cat, Shadow. Rather belatedly we realised she was pregnant; in fact very belatedly as she was almost at the point of giving birth. Soon we had three kittens in the household. Sadly one of them died after a few weeks, and we were left to ponder on the future of the remaining two. Naturally after several weeks we had become so smitten with the kittens that finding other homes became a non-event. So, now we have Wellington (b&w) and Henry (ginger) keeping us entertained and amused. They are great playmates, very curious and already earning their keep by being good hunters of volls and mice. 

Due to the work going on in the garden and gite, we've had to keep them indoors while the workmen are here. The result is they've become quite fond of being indoors instead of out in the garden, roaming and hunting!

Another room up and running

Managed to redecorate the second bedroom in time for friends from London coming to stay, thanks to great painting effort from John O. Even had a day to spare ...


And after:

We now have plenty of room for family and friends to come and stay comfortably. And soon the garden will be less of a bomb-site and ready to use too.

We're having an unusually warm October and work continues apace on the gite and pool. We've still been swimming in the river at Roquebrun and yesterday went to Valras Plage (beach) for a long walk - followed by a long lunch - by which time it was 35C!