28 February 2012

Ice on the pool!

Now back in France after being in the UK for a spell and enjoying stunningly good winter weather. However, we did have a couple of weeks earlier when it was bitterly cold - minus 10C at night. Jane was back from the UK for a long weekend and the temperature never rose above 0C. It's been the talk of the village as it's unusual for it to be quite that cold, and for so long - cold spells only last two or three days at most. with the freezing temperatures the water on top of the tarpaulins, currently covering the pool, froze solid. All very confusing for the birds wanting to come and have a bath.

Thankfully we are now back to 'normal' winter weather; sunny, warm days and cool nights. We went to the beach for lunch last Friday and it was 24C, very pleasant indeed.  We can cope with this for winter weather...

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