21 June 2012

After the gravel - lots of topsoil to move

Five cubic metres of topsoil arrived for the garden. Unfortunately, the enormous truck it arrived in couldn't tip into our cave entrance. So, it had to go across the road onto our neighbours curb side - which they were fine about. However, we did feel the need to move it as quickly as possible, therefore many, many, many wheelbarrow loads have been moved to fill up the vegetable plots etc. Fortunately we still had plenty of wooden planks left from the builders, as trying to move a full wheelbarrow over gravel is a very hard task.

The vegetable plots used about half of the load. Which meant we needed to move the rest into the cave. So another day of shovelling ...

By the way, it wasn't just Merv doing all the work, he just happens to be in the photos we have. Both Jane and her mother (in her 80-somethings) did a great job of shovelling and wheelbarrow moving too!

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