22 August 2012

Ghost Town

It has been very, very hot the past week or so, with afternoon temperatures generally over 40C. Neither man nor beast can be seen anywhere in the village from about midday to around 5pm. Unusually we've also got some humidity which makes it almost impossible to do anything in the afternoon - even go swimming! Merv is in the Pyrenees this week with a walking trip and I am indoors accompanied by the cats, who just lie on the cool tiles all afternoon. The evenings are lovely though, so go for a swim around 7pm, water the garden, then another swim at about 10pm. Last year, this sort of heat lasted about 10 days so am hoping we are on the last stretch of it.

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmmmmmmm sounds good to me - am loving getting up early for the cool and the fact every day is blue sky and sunshine. we can plan....
