11 April 2013

More signs of spring - we've moved the terrace furniture and umbrellas back outdoors. 

It's been fine enough to paint the old reservoir in the garden a fetching shade of 'asphalt'. Which does look stunning.

We've also planted a few pots for summer, mixed with the left-overs from winter e.g. the pansies, which are still going strong.

Plus, we've got a new wifi doorbell and buzzer at the gate. Such progress!

1 comment:

  1. love the doorbell!! no I love the flowers, garden furniture and the fact that things are opening up from winter - such a lovely time of the year!! You are so good with the photo uploads Jane, gives us all a real sense of being involved. Ben was near your neck of the woods last week - very quickly he did a last minute cheap fly in to Montpellier and fly out from Girona with two days in between but he loved it and wants now to go back, maybe with bike!! So glad all is going well. All good here, very hot -100 degrees in the shade!!! but now on holiday for a week - yeah!! Love pottering around Amanda xx
