02 July 2013

Summer Garden - July

The first tomatoes of the season; cherry toms obviously. We have four different varieties growing and a lot more fruit to come. 
 The lavender by the pool is in full bloom and has a divine aroma.
The 'new' garden on the west side of the garden is just coming into bloom. It was planted with a mixed-seed mix, so we await with interest to see exactly what is going to bloom (having discarded the packet which told us what was in it). This is the very early stage of flowering so there will be a post when it's in much fuller bloom. 

The 'cat' on the left of the picture was left in the garden by the previous owners and now has its special place as a sentry by the west wall.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous03 July, 2013

    those tomatoes look delicious - I love the smell of the leaves when you squeeze them!! Never knew you were such a green fingered lass!! I quite miss growing my veges and tending the garden - very exciting Love Amanda xx
