08 August 2013

Summer produce from the garden

This is some of the produce from the 'potager' this year. Still a lot more to come too. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with all the aubergines - any ideas gratefully received! 

The jars contain plum jam and green & red tomato relish. Today's cooking is spiced plum and raison chutney. You may have guessed the plums on our tree are now ripe.

1 comment:

  1. Jane, you make me feel quite jealous, in a nice way :) your produce all looks so tasty. I did used to love that in the UK, pottering in the vegey beds and then eating the very tasty stuff that had been nurtured from a seed. A real good feeling of simple satisfaction!! Enjoy!! I never realised you were so domestic!! Love Amanda xx
