06 May 2015

Garden in bloom

May is a lovely time in the garden. The roses, clematis and bedding plants are all in flower. This year the garden looks very established and everything is growing well. We moved a few plants to different spots and fortunately they've survived, However, a couple of lavender's didn't make it through winter - don't think they liked the severe pruning! The vegetables are now going in. Have grown most of them from seed this year, so it will be interesting to see how they compare to market-bought plants.

20 April 2015

First supper

We now have a table and chairs, bought in brocante's, in the new kitchen. Breakfasts are in the kitchen and this was our first supper, with Angela, after returning from a snowshoe trip. The oven has been put to good use with two dinners cooked for friends, but served in the lounge. It's amazing how quickly we've got used to the new kitchen as though it has been there for years.
We've also bought a new dresser for the hallway. Perfect for showing the first of the season's sweet pea and new jug bought at Villefranche-sur-Conflent.

04 April 2015

Happy Easter

We're having wonderful warm spring weather - in the 20Cs. The garden is growing in front of our eyes and all our seedlings are up. And, we are almost at the end of the kitchen renovation. Finally have the old kitchen cupboards empty. They will now be re-used for storage in the cave.
We've finished putting the protector on the floor tiles so have moved in other shelving and cupboards. Cook books are in too. Today we went to one of the local brocante's and found the perfect table to go in the middle of the kitchen. Moving it in is tomorrow's task.

01 April 2015

More like a kitchen

Finally have the kitchen utilities all working properly. Have moved most things in from the old kitchen, but still finishing off the floor so some of the shelving still to be moved in. First thing cooked in the oven - pizza!

18 March 2015

Out with the old, in with the new.

Last meal cooked in the 'old' kitchen, soon to become an office.
New kitchen, so far. Still to come is a table in the centre, utensil racks and open shelving on the walls. Re-grouting of the floor tiles is about half-way through. All in all a vast improvement from previous kitchen.

09 March 2015

Snowshoeing in Les Angles

Spent a couple of days in the eastern Pyrenees discovering a wonderful new area for snowshoeing; Les Angles, about 90 minutes from Perpignan. It is a ski resort and set in a lovely wide basin overlooking a lake (frozen at the moment) and surrounded by a stunning mountains. We were joined by three IML aspirants, who practised their winter/snow safety, avalanche risk, and navigation skills with us. Learnt many new things about trees and animal tracks too.

06 March 2015

Taking shape ...

Kitchen progress: tiling completed, units in place and worktop almost finished too. Tomorrow the sink goes in.
Meanwhile, the wonderful spring sunshine is helping to ripen our first lemons on our tree. We have about 20 fruits in various shades from green to lemon.

02 March 2015

Tiles are up ...

Small steps of progress with the kitchen installation. The tiles are up - just grouting needed to finish them. Then cupboards, oven, hob, dishwasher etc put in place before the bench top goes on. Also have to repair the floor where the fireplace used to be; currently it is a big hole going straight down to the cave. 

27 February 2015


Great snowshoeing trip in Ax les Thermes in the Pyrenees last week. We had the same conditions as last year; two wonderfully sunny days at Plateau de Beille and Col de Puymorens. The final day on the Col de Chioula was in falling snow and is a great walk through woods and over undulating hills. Very atmospheric in the snow even without any views! 

25 February 2015

Kitchen bits

All the furniture and equipment for the kitchen has arrived! Now just have to put it together. Still wondering what to cook in the oven for the first time. Such a big decision after four and a half years cooking without an oven. 

24 February 2015

Getting ready for the kitchen

We spent the weekend painting the kitchen in preparation for the furniture delivery on Monday. Also painted the inside of the old oven, discovered when we took the plaster off the wall. It will be a bookshelf for the cookbooks.

11 February 2015

It's a new year - and I haven't posted a photo of the cats yet ...

Sofa buddies (if only they were always this friendly with each other).

Spring sunshine at Mimosa festival

Gorgeous sunny day for the Fête de Mimosa in nearby Roquebrun, so a good turn-out for mimosa, saucisse, fromage et vin. There's always a brass band, plus lots of interesting stalls. Later in the day there's a parade with children on costumes and floats. The microclimate of this area means mimosa flowers earlier than other places and the brilliant yellow is a welcoming sign of spring arriving soon. 

03 February 2015


Most unusual for us to have snow as low down as we are - altitude @160m - and in the south of France. But the white stuff came down heavily this morning, meaning the cats never moved from the sofa until it was all gone. It was all gone by the afternoon. Pretty while it lasted.

Shadow keeping an eye on the weather.

02 February 2015

Kitchen progress

The placo ceiling and one new insulated wall are now up and today the plastering was done. All the electrics and plumbing are in - just waiting on the kitchen furniture to arrive at the end of February.

29 January 2015

The Wall

Almost finished. We just need to put on a protective sealant and we are done. The old oven space will be used as a shelf for cookbooks.

26 January 2015

More destruction

Another shute has been demolished in the 'old' kitchen. It's now created a much more usable space and will, in time, be a lovely bedroom! Just a small matter of how to get the old marble sink out. It is extremely large and very heavy. It would be ideal for using in the garden - if we can get it out in one, or even two, pieces. However, the likelihood of getting it out without having to smash it to pieces is remote.

21 January 2015

Kitchen work

Work has started in what will be the new kitchen, plus some demolition in what was the original kitchen in the house.

Framing for new plasterboard on one wall and the ceiling is now up. These will be insulated, boarded then plastered. They should be done by the beginning of next week. It will take 10 weeks for the kitchen 'furniture' to arrive so the plan is have everything done; painting, tiling etc by the time that arrives.
At the far end of the house was the original kitchen with the remains of a cooking range. That has now been demolished, as has the shute to the right in the photo below. The shute was used for moving hay from the grenier (attic) to the manger on the cave (garage). Opening up the shute meant we had an easy way to get rid of all the rubble into the cave. This room will be an en-suite guest room … eventually.

13 January 2015

Winter in the south of France

It's tough - sunshine and blue sky every day. Since mid-December we've had no rain - which means having to water the garden - with ideal winter weather; chilly but sunny. Perfect for getting out on the bikes. Yesterday we went on the mountain bikes for a off-road jaunt through the vineyards. Pruning of the grape vines is in full flow at the moment, at least the vignerons are having good weather for a hard job.