04 August 2011


To start with some photo's of the pool which will be 9x3m. Neither of us were very fussed about having a pool (too much work and we spent last summer happily swimming in either the nearby River Orb or the many great Mediterranean beaches nearby). However, as our maison is a business venture, we took advice and realised to get rentals here you do need to have a pool. Fortunately we have a huge well which will provide the water for it. Location was dictated by the 120 year old magnolia tree in the middle of the garden and having to be 5m in from the road wall. We thought a long, narrow pool suited the dimensions of the garden best. In order to get the digger in, a section of railings were removed and the digger drove off the truck over the wall (which held up - phew) and down some planks into the garden. Very entertaining to watch and no sign of any Health & Safety procedures.Two days later we had an huge hole in the garden which has now been concreted. Work will pause now a) because of the heat and b) most of France goes on holiday in August.

Am having trouble loading the photo's - if anyone can help me with how I do this it would be much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. i hope the pool has no straight walls also, the best pools are those with a continous curve from the sidewall to bottom, as then they have more functionality - they can then be drained and a lot more fun can be had whilst the pool is empty =)
