29 March 2012

La Belle Magnolia

When we meet new people and have the inevitable conversation about where we live, there is generally one of two reactions to our answer. 'Oh, you have the marvellous magnolia', or; 'the place with the crazy concrete vine staircase'.
Both of which is true - or rather was true. We have just had 'Tree Man' in and the magnolia is now half the size it was. After a day and a half of careful pruning, with some serious boy's toys equipment, we had a very tall, spindly palm tree and a laurel tree removed as well as the magnolia seriously cut back and which now looks slightly bereft - if a tree can look that way. Apparently this will promote more growth in the middle, provide better shade and not be quite so dominant over the garden - and more importantly not overhang the swimming pool. At least that's what we think he told us ...

Here what it looks like now.

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