28 September 2012


Towards the end of August and just before the vendange was about to start, we awoke at 2am to find a large fire blazing on the edge of the village. Having earlier seen news items on the devastation caused by fires throughout other parts of France, we were a bit alarmed. We watched through our window as the sapeur pompiers, out in force, managed to contain the flames after a couple of hours. Fortunately the wind blew the fire up the hill to the garrigue (scrubland) therefore taking away any danger to the village. There were a large number of fire engines etc, but no sirens were used, so most people in the village were unaware of there being a fire until the morning.

After weeks of no rain, the sapeur pompiers must have been delighted when the heavens opened at around 4.30am with a huge downpour which helped put out the fire. There is now a huge dark scar on the hillside, but it's rapidly turning green with new growth.

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