30 September 2012

Let there be light outside ...

The renovation of the gite and construction of the pool has gone very smoothly, except for two things. Both of which we didn't actually sight ourselves, but relied on our project managers to source the right thing. We've now learnt from this - always see what is recommended to be used. At least they weren't major things: one is the ceiling fans which are too big (and garish) for the space and the second was the outside lights. We had specifically said we did not want 'municipal lights' but unfortunately there seems to be a variation on what that constitutues. Here's what we ended up with - three of them to be exact:

This was the only thing in the project that reduced Jane to tears, having these ugly carbuncles on the facade of our lovely house. They lit up the garden like a football pitch, so it was inevitable we would eventually change them. We've recycled the lights into the cave/garage where, along with some new strip lighting, we can now clearly see every corner and therefore how much stuff we have ... and it's a lot. And here's the new, more-in-keeping, exterior lighting:

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