15 December 2012

NZ Beaches

We're now back from our 5 week trip to NZ and Hong Kong. We had a fantastic time catching up with family and friends. Blessed with very good weather too, so spent a lot of time enjoying the outdoors at some great beaches, sitting at wonderful cafe's (NZ does cafe's particularly well) and generally having a terrific time.

We were on a mission to find New Chums Beach in the Coromandel. It is rated as one of the top 10 beaches in the world, but you have to walk to it as it isn't developed at all (part of the charm). We missed the path to it and ended up wandering all over the place for about an hour before hitting upon this gorgeous beach which we had all to ourselves. Then found the path back which, of course, was really obvious!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane and Merv
    Looks like you had a great trip and saw some wonderful new scenery and wow! those beaches - funny what your home country can come up with!! when you are a tourist!!
    We had a interesting trip to Vietnam - will try to put on some photos later, it just takes ages with our very slow speed. Happy New Year to you both and keep in touch. Amanda xxx
