25 October 2012

Bit of a bike ride

As Merv is in training for next month's Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge in NZ (160kms), he decided to cycle one of Mountains and Maps challenging routes on Tuesday. He left from just outside Carcassonne in a grey, drizzling rain which fortunately quickly became fine and sunny but not too hot. A barely noticeable uphill to Caunes-Minervois, then a long steady 16kms climb to the Col de Salette (913m) then down to Courniou onto St Pons and back home via Vallee d'Orb. Total distance of 115kms.

Jane provided able back-up (in the car!) with water, food, extra clothing for the down hill etc. So had plenty of time to watch the ceps hunters. It is the peak season for mushroom gathering and the forest had many people jealously protecting their special spots for gathering. When we stopped in St Pons there were some magnificent ceps on sale from the more prolific mushroom hunters.

Fantastic time of year to be out on a bike - mild but sunny and very little wind. Plus the autumn colours are really coming into their own now.

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to come and see you and try out these cycle routes, it all looks so beautiful - I have a feeling we may end up in France Amanda xx
