31 January 2013


When we returned from the UK last week we were astonished to see snow in the garden. It is the first time there has been snow here (enough to actually stay on the ground) for a very long time. So long in fact, no-one seems able to remember exactly when. This photo (of our succulents bed) was taken on Friday night just after we'd arrived back. It had snowed on the Wednesday and by morning it was all gone.

It's not a huge amount compared with the recent snowfalls in the UK, but enough for us to get excited about it.

1 comment:

  1. My children here would just love to have even that much - Ben built a giant snowman in his front garden in Newcastle in fact so big they had to use the back door to get in - he sent me a piccy to share with the children - they were SO jealous.
    What did the cats think?
    Amanda x
