03 June 2013

Bathroom update

Our workmen have started putting plasterboard up - of course it was more complicated than expected! The toilet and radiator had to be removed, luckily we have another toilet to use while we wait for the work to be completed. We are on a 'fit you in when we can' basis, which does have its drawbacks, especially as they are in the midst of doing a complete-house renovation in Roquebrun. 

The bath has been moved to the cave. It took three men, with a lot of huffing and puffing, to carry it down the stairs. Don't want to think about how we'll get it back up and into place. But, it will be easier to finish the bathroom walls without it in the way as well as being much easier to renovate it out of the bathroom. We have started using the shower, sans walls, just using lots of old towels on the floor!

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