07 June 2013


Yesterday we went to Lac du Salagou, a man-made lake surrounded by very red, iron-rich dunes making the landscape seem very lunar. Merv went for a kayak and Jane a mountain-bike ride around part of the lake. On the way there we stopped at Villeneuvette, a model factory town founded in the 17th century to make high-quality wool, which they continued to do until the 1950s. It is really charming village, still with about 85 inhabitants. Just outside was this lovely field of poppies.
The car loaded with 'toys' for a day out ...
 Merv enjoying having his boat on the water again,
And of course the outing included a recce lunch by the lake.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11 June, 2013

    Jane, what a lovely day's activities and I am sure even though the renovating is good fun it is really good to have a break!! - particularly ending with lunch ;)
    Amanda xx
