14 March 2016

Dust and rubble ...

Work is progressing on the soon-to-be chambre d'hôte part of the house. The framing for the new walls and false ceilings is going up and this week should see the walls completed. All the electrics and plumbing is in the cave and brought up to the rooms:

there are still quite a few holes in the floor: 
and a start has been made on the doors and shutters:
and there is a LOT of dust everywhere.


  1. Oh Jane, how exciting to start converting the front of the house. We are just back from a wonderful month in New Zealand. Was bliss. Michael & Gordon

    1. Work is progressing well. We have a wonderful Romanian helping out, if you ever need work done in the UK - he's your man. Now getting close to the more exciting part - painting and decorating. Colour charts everywhere!
